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Pacific Union College presented a significant challenge for Adams Pool Solutions: a complete pool renovation to address visible white splotches where plaster had flaked off, water leaking from floor cracks, and outdated pool ladders. Additionally, the client required upgrades to the pool structure to bring it up to code.

Primary Requirements

Design and Planning:

  • Prepare detailed refurbishment plans, including regulatory approvals.
  • Design solutions for structural damage and necessary upgrades.

Renovation and Repair:

  • Execute the removal of old plaster, tile, and outdated pool features.
  • Address structural cracks, leaking drains, and compliance issues with steps.
  • Replace the main drain line installed during the original build in 1962.

Enhancements and Upgrades:

  • Implement structural upgrades such as new tile, coping, and plaster finish.
  • Install a new skimmer in the southeast corner to replace the failing one.
  • Replace the existing main drain with a new HDPE seamless drain pipe.
  • Renovate the equalizer tank to look pristine and functional.


The pool had extensive cracks and leaks, leading to water loss, higher utility bills, and damage to the surrounding structure. These issues compromised the pool’s integrity, making the repairs urgent. Adams Pool Solutions quickly identified these as top priorities and set about repairing the structural damage using advanced engineering techniques. 166 feet of cracks were opened, and new rebar was drilled and epoxied into the floor of the pool, overlapping and tied for at least 24 inches.

The leaking main drain from the original 1962 installation required complete replacement. A new main drain line was laid along the trench and up the pool wall to resolve the issue. Additionally, new steps were constructed to meet current regulatory codes.

The Process

  1. Surface Removal: The old coping, tile, and plaster finish were removed using state-of-the-art hydro blasting equipment. At 44,000 PSI, this technology efficiently removed the existing plaster while preserving the pool’s structural integrity. The area was tented to contain debris.
  2. Structural Repairs: The pool’s 166 feet of cracks were opened, reinforced with new rebar drilled and epoxied into the floor. Cracks in the deep end received similar treatment, followed by the installation of a new main drain line. The HDPE seamless main drain pipe replaced the old, leaky line, with connections extending to the pool deck.
  3. New Features: A new skimmer was installed in the southeast corner, and the steps were rebuilt to comply with modern safety codes. The equalizer tank in the mechanical room was refurbished, ensuring it could handle displaced water effectively.
  4. Finishing Touches: The shotcrete process repaired all cracks, and the pool was then prepped for tiling and coping. New tile and coping were installed, including 12-inch racing lanes, a 4′ 6″ depth line, and detailed scum gutters.
  5. Plastering and Filling: On July 3rd, the team began plastering at 5:30 AM. With a 30-man crew, they plastered the deep end first to allow for water filling in the hot weather. By 7:10 AM, water began filling the deep end while the crew finished the shallow end. By 9:00 AM, three fire hoses were pumping 1,350 gallons of water per minute.
  6. Final Steps: By 10:45 AM, the pool was fully filled with clean Pacific Union College water. Greg Adams, the grandson of the company’s founder, supervised the process and ensured the curing process with the addition of 1,000 pounds of calcium chloride.


The Adams Pool Touch

With over 70 years of experience in pool renovation, Adams Pool Solutions was the perfect fit for this complex project. Our expertise allowed us to tackle the structural repairs while seamlessly integrating new features and ensuring compliance with modern codes. The project was overseen by an on-site project supervisor, ensuring quality workmanship and complete client satisfaction.

Adams Pool Solutions is known for its hands-on approach, using our own crews for most phases of the project, which allows greater control over the quality and schedule. As the largest independent pool solutions provider in the western U.S., we have the resources to manage any pool renovation, no matter how intricate.

The Pacific Union College pool now stands as a prime example of how Adams Pool Solutions can revitalize an aging structure into a modern, fully functional pool. From structural repairs to regulatory upgrades, the project was completed with precision and dedication, ensuring many more years of safe and enjoyable use.

Contact Adams Pool Solutions today for a free quote on your pool renovation project. With over 350 employees and decades of experience, they can tackle any challenge, no matter how complex.